Фън Шуй калкулатор

The date of birth is used for the calculation. In both sexes, it matters whether a person is born before or after February 4 of the year. If he was born before February 4, the previous year is taken as the year of birth in the calculation. For example - a woman born on February 1, 1976 is considered born in 1975 and the calculation is made in 1975.
🚺 The formula for women: the last two digits of the year of birth are added and when a final one-digit number is obtained, that number is adds with the number 5.
☑️ Example: a woman born on February 1, 1976 (we take the previous year because the woman was born before February 4)
1975 – 7+5=12
3+5 = 8
*This woman's personal energy number is 8.
☑️ Second example: a woman born on May 25, 1976
1976 – 7+6=13
*This woman's personal energy number is 9.
👉__ При жените, родени след 2000 година, крайното число от годината се събира с 6, а не с 5
☑️ Example: a woman born on March 20, 2003
2003 – 0+3=3
*This woman's personal energy number is 9.
🚹 The formula for men: The same rule applies here for February 4th. Men born before February 4 of the respective year are considered to have been born in the previous year and the calculation is made with the previous year. The last two digits of the year of birth are added together and when a final one-digit number is obtained, this number is subtracted from the number 10.
☑️ Example: a man born on 25.01.1980 (calculated with the previous year, since the date of birth is before February 4th)
1979 – 7+9=16
*This man`s personal energy number is 3.
☑️ Second example: a man born on August 10, 1963
1963 – 6+3=9
*This man`s personal energy number is 1.
👉 For men born after 2000, the final number of the year is subtracted from 9, not 10.
☑️ Example: a man born on June 25, 2002
2002 – 0+2=2
*This man`s personal energy number is 7.