Feng Shui and love
Feng Shui is a tool that can be used for many things. With its help we can attract good health, wealth and love to our life. Some people call it ‘simple magic’ because with very little action combined with the right intention, we can achieve surprisingly good results. In this article you will find some ideas that can help you activate the love in your life.
The objects and symbols that surround us have great importance in Feng Shui. Everything around us has an impact on our subconscious, even if our attention is not focused in that direction all the time. If we have created an atmosphere of love and romance at home, our subconscious adjusts accordingly and we attract love energy on a very fine level. This is valid both for couples and for those, dreaming of a new romantic relationship.
The main rule, if we want to enhance the love vibration into our life is to surround ourselves with love symbols – photos, pictures, objects in pairs, red candles and everything that would provide a more romantic ambience. We may choose a picture that symbolises love and hang it on the wall opposite our bed or in the direction of our relationship. This is about our personal direction of love and relationships, calculated on the basis of our personal energy number. You may read in many articles that this is southwest but it is not true for everyone, only for people with personal energy number 8. All these things are important because our objective is to attract not simply love but the right person and relationship for you.
Tip from Space and Rituals: in order to increase the energy of the heart chakra and improve the energy at home, use more pink quartz. You can put the typical Feng Shui love symbols like hearts and mandarin ducks, made of pink quartz, or just unrefined druses. What is important in this case is the energy of the stone itself. It makes your aura softer and more accessible for communication, improves your skin condition and has a favourable impact on your heart. The pink quartz makes us exude softness, tenderness and activates the feminine energies in our body. A pink quartz obelisk is also good because you can programme it with a particular intention in the romantic realm. You can place it next to your bed in the bedroom or buy a water bottle with a pink quartz spike that you can carry around all day long.
Another little trick – if you want to get married – the secret lies in white peonies. Put in the right place, they can bring you a dream proposal. You can use fresh flowers in vases or find a picture of white peonies. Hang it in the bedroom or in the living room in your personal direction of love and relationships.
From Space and Rituals with love
Author: Rositsa Georgieva