What "Sign" are you according to Feng Shui?

What "Sign" are you according to Feng Shui?

In Feng Shui everything is very individual and it is calculated separately for everyone.

Each of us has a Personal energy number, which determines our personal profile, characteristics, talents, disposition to illnesses, etc. Our personal energy number defines the right directions, colours, materials and shapes. We can use these when we choose our clothes and accessories, furniture, materials, wall colours, fabrics, and decorations in our interior design decisions.

It is good to know that this number has nothing to do with your life number in numerology. This is completely different. I call it ‘Feng Shui Star Sign’ jokingly.

There are two ways to find out your personal energy number. The first method is to use a formula. It is different for men and women. To calculate it you need the date of birth. For both sexes alike, it matters if the person is born before or after 4 February of that year. If he or she is born before 4 February, then we take the previous year in the calculation. For example, a woman born on 1.02.1976 is considered to be born in 1975 and the calculation is made, using 1975.

Women formula: the last two numbers of the year of birth are summed up and when you reach a one-digit number, it is added to 5.

Example: a woman born on 1.02.1976 (we take the previous year as the woman is born before 4 February)

1975 – 7+5=12


3+5 = 8 

*The personal energy number of the woman is 8.

Example 2: a woman born on 25.05.1976

1976 – 7+6=13



*The personal energy number of the woman is 9.


With women born after 2000, the end number is added to 6, not to 5.

Example: a woman born on 20.03.2003

2003 – 0+3 =3


*The personal energy number of the woman is 9.

Men Formula: the same rule about 4 February applies here. The men born prior to 4 February of the respective year are considered to be born the previous year and the calculation is made with the previous year.

The last two numbers of the year of birth are summed up and when we reach a one-digit number, it is subtracted from 10.

Example: a man born on 25.01.1980 (it is calculated with the previous year as the date of birth is before 4 February)

1979 – 7+9=16



*The personal energy number of the man is 3.

Expample 2: a man born on 10.08.1963

1963 – 6+3=9


*The personal number of the man is 1.

With men born after 2000, the end number of the year is subtracted from 9, not from 10.

Example: a man born on 25.06.2002

2002 – 0+2 =2


*The personal energy number of the man is 7.

There is also a lazy method to find out your Feng Shui sign. If you search for Ming gua on the internet, you will find numerous calculators, all you need to do is enter your date of birth and sex. We will soon have such a calculator on our website.

It is more fun, however, to try both methods. The end result should be the same.

And if you want to know how to use this information efficiently, the best thing to do is to call us.

From Space and Rituals with love